RSAA Constitution
The aim of the Romantic Studies Association of Australasia (RSAA) will be to promote the study of the literature, art, history, and culture of the Romantic period inside and outside the universities of Australia and New Zealand. With this in mind, the Association will:
1) collect and disseminate information on all matters conducive to the promotion of the literature, art, history, and culture of the Romantic period amongst its members and in the community at large;
2) collaborate with universities, secondary schools, and the general community throughout Australia, New Zealand, and the region to devise programs and initiate activities – including, but no limited to, public lectures, readings, seminars, films, workshops, colloquia – to enhance the pleasure and understanding of the literature, art, history, and culture of the Romantic period;
3) collaborate with relevant societies and associations for Romantic Studies from around the world to share information and expertise in the area;
4) hold a biennial conference in the Australasian area to allow and encourage scholars of the literature, art, history, and culture of the Romantic period from around the world to publicise and debate their research findings;
5) produce an annual journal to be entitled Studies in the Romantic Period and distributed internationally;
6) publish occasional printed and electronic material coincident with the aim of enhancing the pleasure and understanding of Romantic literature, art, history, and culture;
7) maintain and develop a website dealing with the activities of the RSAA and (with the aim of the Association in mind) with Romantic literature, art, history, and culture more generally;
8) invite and receive subscriptions and otherwise raise funds in order to finance its activities as a not-for-profit organisation.
The Association will have no political affiliations and will actively support racial and religious toleration and equal opportunity amongst its members. It will seek to engage the interest and contribution of students and scholars at every level of their development. -
Membership of the Association will be open to all persons, of any age, race, gender, or nationality, interested in the aim of the Association and willing to co-operate to realise that aim. There shall be three categories of membership: regular members (with concessional subscription rates for students, pensioners, and the unemployed); temporary members; honorary members. Temporary members (visiting scholars or public figures not already members of the Association) may be elected at a nominal subscription rate at the discretion of three members of the executive committee and will have no voting rights in the Association. Honorary members will be elected at the Annual General Meeting and will enjoy the full privileges of membership.
Each year, at the Annual General Meeting, there shall be elected the following office bearers actively to assist in the realisation of the aim of the Association:
Secretary and Treasurer
Website Officer
Journal Editor
International Liaison Officer
Secondary School Representative
Postgraduate Representative
Each office bearer will normally serve for two years, though his or her service may be limited to one year or extended to three or more years, at the discretion of a majority of members of the Association. Other than in exceptional circumstances, the president and vice president will not normally serve for more than three years. -
The executive committee will consist of all the office bearers, the immediate past president (ex officio), and between two and four elected members. The elected members will normally hold office for not more than three years, with at least one retiring annually after the Association has been running two years. The election of executive committee members will take place at the same time as the election of office bearers at the Annual General Meeting, though the committee itself has the right to fill unforeseen vacancies in the Association’s office bearers and to co-opt up to three members as required. The executive committee also has the power to establish and disestablish sub-committees as required.
It will normally be the prerogative of the president to call an executive committee meeting, which will be done in consultation with all other members of the committee, and efforts will be made to solicit the opinion on any matter on the agenda of all those members unable physically to attend. On the other hand, the president will be required to call an executive committee meeting at the behest of four or more members of the committee.
Four committee members will be required to establish a quorum, though proxy voting authenticated by writing will be allowed. -
The Association will meet at least once every year for its Annual General Meeting. Other general meetings of the Association may be called at the request either of the executive committee or of at least one quarter of the members of the Association, provided all members are given at least one month’s notice.
Office bearers and members of the executive committee will be elected by a majority of those members of the Association present physically or by proxy at the Annual General Meeting. The Secretary of the Association will seek nominations of candidates from all members of the Association at least one month before the Annual General Meeting. Any member of the Association present at the Annual General Meeting may act as proxy for up to two absent members, providing the Secretary with written evidence of their deputation.
A subscription to the Association, to be determined by a majority vote at the Annual General Meeting, will be paid either annually or triennially by every member of the Association, and will offer the option of including a subscription to the Association’s journal.
Any amendments may be made to the Association’s constitution by a two thirds majority vote at the Annual General Meeting, provided there is a quorum of at least one quarter of the Association’s members.